Ah, things are happening here at Marlinspike Hall; The game is afoot.
Fred has come down with the flu but is being absolutely valiant. I am a dedicated nurse and awesome cook 'n bottle-washer, so odds are that he'll survive. Still, I am sure he'd rather spend New Year's Eve more upright than prone.
Fred has come down with the flu but is being absolutely valiant. I am a dedicated nurse and awesome cook 'n bottle-washer, so odds are that he'll survive. Still, I am sure he'd rather spend New Year's Eve more upright than prone.
As it is, we'll be watching films and perhaps beginning the long awaited Deadwood Marathon Festival. It depends on how he is feeling. He is blessed with the ability to sleep when he feels rotten, so Our Big Plans may need to wait.
The Mother-Unit, we learned last night, fell again -- not just "again," but in the EXACT SPOT where she took a dive before. Not only does she once again have a hip fracture, it is the SAME HIP that she fractured in the aforementioned previous dive. Apparently, she wants her picture to appear next to "déjà vu" in the dictionary.
She was scheduled for (pancreatic and gall bladder) surgery in a few weeks -- I don't know now whether that will be possible or even advisable. There is no intervention planned for her new fracture. It's unclear to me, as yet, where the new fracture is located. She had a THR, and that's apparently intact. Good thoughts go out to her and to my half-siblings who are taking care of her, and who are doubtless at wit's end right now.
Dr. PainDude's PA rearranged some of my meds in an effort to introduce me to this novel concept of sleep -- a word that likely occurs more in this blog than any other object of desire. I got about five hours last night, which is already an improvement. Tonight, the goal is to cobble those hours together!
Just a bit ago, I checked on the news about Lindsey Baum, the 11 year old missing since 26 June 2009 from McCleary, Washington. There is no news to relay, and that's sad.
People are still desperately working to keep her name and face before law enforcement and the media. To that end, click here for Interpol's poster about Lindsey. There's been a fair amount of discussion about the picture on the poster, with most commenters feeling it is not the "best," or makes her look "too old." Well, she is older, as well as being at an age where change comes rapidly. She also was last seen wearing a hoodie, and this complements that information. Also, I doubt she is grinning from ear to ear since her abduction. That is, one picture where she isn't mugging for the camera is probably a good idea! [One suspects Interpol has its reasons, and they are probably well-founded!]
And to bolster my continuing disbelief at this line of "inquiry," I read about a new psychic lead in the case. Please note that the author does not claim, herself, to be psychic. No, she is just acting upon the psychic gleanings of a friend. *That* really clears things up. Anyway, suspicion now is being focused on a minister, thanks to these paranormal efforts... Holy cow, the moronic are multiplying: uh, i am not psychic but i know someone who might be and so i think we should say nasty and unsubstantiated things about this guy she's zeroed in on.
The Mother-Unit, we learned last night, fell again -- not just "again," but in the EXACT SPOT where she took a dive before. Not only does she once again have a hip fracture, it is the SAME HIP that she fractured in the aforementioned previous dive. Apparently, she wants her picture to appear next to "déjà vu" in the dictionary.
She was scheduled for (pancreatic and gall bladder) surgery in a few weeks -- I don't know now whether that will be possible or even advisable. There is no intervention planned for her new fracture. It's unclear to me, as yet, where the new fracture is located. She had a THR, and that's apparently intact. Good thoughts go out to her and to my half-siblings who are taking care of her, and who are doubtless at wit's end right now.
Dr. PainDude's PA rearranged some of my meds in an effort to introduce me to this novel concept of sleep -- a word that likely occurs more in this blog than any other object of desire. I got about five hours last night, which is already an improvement. Tonight, the goal is to cobble those hours together!
Just a bit ago, I checked on the news about Lindsey Baum, the 11 year old missing since 26 June 2009 from McCleary, Washington. There is no news to relay, and that's sad.
People are still desperately working to keep her name and face before law enforcement and the media. To that end, click here for Interpol's poster about Lindsey. There's been a fair amount of discussion about the picture on the poster, with most commenters feeling it is not the "best," or makes her look "too old." Well, she is older, as well as being at an age where change comes rapidly. She also was last seen wearing a hoodie, and this complements that information. Also, I doubt she is grinning from ear to ear since her abduction. That is, one picture where she isn't mugging for the camera is probably a good idea! [One suspects Interpol has its reasons, and they are probably well-founded!]
And to bolster my continuing disbelief at this line of "inquiry," I read about a new psychic lead in the case. Please note that the author does not claim, herself, to be psychic. No, she is just acting upon the psychic gleanings of a friend. *That* really clears things up. Anyway, suspicion now is being focused on a minister, thanks to these paranormal efforts... Holy cow, the moronic are multiplying: uh, i am not psychic but i know someone who might be and so i think we should say nasty and unsubstantiated things about this guy she's zeroed in on.
Anyways, I think we should re-think Wayne W. I think he does protest too much. Has anyone else seen his comments on the local news web pages? Also, why did he take down all of the photos of his "missionary" mission down in Mexico with all of those children? Hmmmmmm. Have we ever figured out what church he is a "pastor" for? He also works doing some sort of environmental work as well? He had access to Lindsey and Josh for sure. Does anyone know what the good pastor drives? Just following up on a psychic hunch for whatever it is worth.
By the way, I am certainly not psychic, the hunch is from another person who supposedly has psychic abilities. I am a skeptic, but an open-minded one, lol!
She goes on to cite a Facebook page where WW is linked to a men's worship group, saying suggestively, like a little sexpot of a psychic kitten:
"Just how many churches is Wayne W. connected to?" A minister? With multiple connections to several churches? Verrryyy suspicious.
She then cites an article this poor man wrote, at the end of which he mentions his children. Ever the shrewd one, she mews: "He says he has children? Where are they?"
Turns my turnable stomach, this nonsense.
Believe it or not, I am still working on a blog post and have not abandoned the denizens of The Manor.
Que dieu vous bénisse in the coming new year and decade. May there be an end to hunger and lost children, and a movement toward peace.
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