Sunday, September 19, 2010

Laughing Babies, My Heroes


  1. Oh, god, that baby laughing at Wii golf really made my day!
    I also love how the vidoegraphers are so amused by the babies laughing---gives me hope for us.

  2. that's exactly it... i love the wii golfer's grin almost as much as those serious baby guffaws. don't tell anyone, but i sit here and giggle, then go, "oh, my..."* and wipe my ancient brow. shhh!

    *you know the kind of "oh, my..." i'm a-talkin' about... the kind some ancient aunt used to follow with a stylized swat to the knee?

  3. I had relatives in southern Missouri, so I do know the kind of "oh, my..." you're talking about.
    (Not, however, something my Sicilian relatives used, that I can recall. Goes more with iced tea than cheap red wine.)


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