I believe that we may soon have to stop beginning sentences with "Someone ought to..." -- followed by "pass a law," "invent a new plot for murder mysteries," "do something about [all the things I am too lazy to address]," and, now, "write a Guide to Life."
At some point on my journey with disability, I subscribed to a governmental online publication called, creatively, the Disability.gov Daily Digest Bulletin -- my daily link to a website dedicated to "Connecting the Disability Community to Information and Opportunities."
I don't check out all the forwarded information, in part because the descriptions are so dry and uncool. Dry and uncool, I like to believe, are not my thing.
But, once in a blue moon, usually in a period of high anxiety, I follow up.
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A pictorial debt of gratitude to Dave's Cupboard, specifically a blog entry titled "Stupid Small Appliances." Photos above: The Pancake Factory, The Salad Shooter Pro, and The Presto Tater Twister |
This afternoon, Fred and I did a little decluttering, mostly of accumulated and unused small kitchen appliances. The adage by which I was raised, that "[i]t only costs 10% more to go first class..." --WHAT? Weren't we all raised by that tender admonition? Didn't you hear that at every turn, at every developmental milepost? *
Anyway, we got rid of our cheap, plastic versions of your classy, desirable things -- like our Combination Espresso / Cappuccino / Juicer / and Jörg Führmann Grill. Sure, you may have four separate, gleaming, monochromatic stainless steel, functional appliances -- well, la di da!
We started reflecting -- as we always do -- on the life lessons learned. Turns out, this time, we were reminded of a corollary to the classic "what is worth doing is worth doing well." It's not so much that "what is worth buying is worth buying expensively," or even "it's best to purchase the best." It's more, "remember to upgrade according to your aging temperament"!
Once upon a time, I did not mind cleaning by shoving toothpicks up the slightly defective nozzle to the cappuccino steam nozzle (that doubled as a Miniature Pancake Maker in its Jörg Führmann Grill incarnation). Spending twenty minutes scraping dried dairy foam seemed fair enough, given the joy I'd gotten from that tiny, tiny cup of coffee... Now, though, now that the onus of caring for Marlinspike Hall rests on our shoulders? If we're going to have cappuccino, it's either fork over the money for a decent machine, or discover the ease of doing it without a machine at all!
We reflected further -- as we always do -- but now, over a quick espresso. In the course of our talking, we discussed child-rearing, having recently witnessed some bothersome examples of ill-mannered behavior that could only have begun in childhood (namely, the sight of a man urinating on the side of a neighbor's chateau).
Before we knew it, "[s]omeone ought to"s were flying out of our mouths! In particular, "[s]omeone ought to publish a guide to raising kids, so that they learn not to pee on the sides of houses and to buy decent coffee makers."
At which point, I retired to the Computer Turret to check my email and blog traffic. I've been feeling nervous about all the semi-formed plans to go to Philly for CRPS treatment -- how was I going to swing travelling that far when a trip to the Lone Alp in central Tête de Hergé can be debilitating? Never mind trying to figure out how to pay for it!
Enter Disability.gov, of course.
I think with just a little effort, that website will serve as a terrific guide to taking advantage of this wonderful opportunity that has fallen into my undeserving lap.
Then... another entry caught my eye, and brought back my conversations with Fred: Ready, Set, Fly! A Parent’s Guide to Teaching Life Skills. I don't know yet on what page they discuss the complex issue of Being Sure to Urinate in a Bathroom and Not on the Side of Someone's Home, but Casey Family Programs, a Seattle-based Foundation started by the founder of UPS, has wonderfully and creatively managed to cover most everything else.
I mean, how great is it that the Guide discusses not only how to clean a Living Room, but also what a Living Room is, and the things that might be used or necessary to it.
Oh, puh-leeze, People! I am years away of being over getting upset that there are kids growing up without Living Rooms, or without knowing how to clean any sort of room, much less a luxury room like a Living Room. Get over it. Wait until you get to the "ABCs of Pregnancy" -- not what any of us want as part of a parental guide...
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
* Honestly? I still live by "[i]t only costs 10% more to go first class," though I am more and more aware that the 10% figure is in dire need of upward revision.
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