She comes with "goodies," homemade and delicious. Unfortunately, she also comes bearing the stories of what she went through, forever selfless, ever giving, giving, giving. Merlene doesn't bake just for us, her Chronic Pain Support Group, but also for the local fire and rescue, a non-denominational hospice, her five doctors, and the select staff whose favor she curries.
One particularly rich afternoon, she managed to both whip up a few dozen chocolate chip cookies and arrange for the EMTs to pick them up by a timely attack of sudden overall weakness and a terrifying confusion that necessitated a ride to the local Emergency Department, then an overnight stay for observation.
Mother of four, parent of none, Merlene enjoys watching Muay Thai kick-boxing on Spike TV and supports our troops by writing one letter every night before she goes to bed, as she has ever since joining Pen Pals for Soldiers, Inc. -- whose mission is "to ensure No Soldier is Forgotten at Mail Call."
Next month: Spotlight on Chuck!
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