No, not allergies, just a random outburst, but with a theme.
I am being put on sliding scale insulin. [Late breaking update! No insulin! Yay! He is adding Amaryl. Wise Choice, Wise Choice...] Too bad I have never paid much attention to the uptight and innately irritating Diabetes Educators that come to my bedside whenever I'm in ICU. Given that I only learn well in cement-blocked classrooms, where I sit in the back, huddled with a caffe latte, it was always a waste of breath.
Fred just sketched the major points again for me -- in a matter of 2-3 minutes -- and wasn't condescending or obtuse or nothin'.
It's the infection that has caused my blood sugars to go schizophrenic. That's what I was told. I don't understand how or why that could be, but if so, at least I will be able to stop the insulin when the infection(s) is cured. Right? "Before" -- I was put on Starlix because steroids were elevating the blood sugars. Now infection gets the blame.
Wanna hear how wacky these readings are? (Ha! Whose blog is it, anyway?) Let's see... Oh, and before every meal, I take 2 120 mg Starlix, an oral med designed to help keep this krapola under control.
Sunday -- at 8 am it was 135. Around 2 pm, I ate one boneless, skinless nuked chicken breast with herbs, had sugar free Jello with one dollop (about 1 tablespoon) sour cream. Four hours+ after eating that? 286.
How about the creepy fact that if I test blood sugar between 10 and 11pm, the readings are always between 240 and 250?! Is that not creepy?
I don't sleep much. Several times late at night, I have tested because of an inexplicable weird feeling (a host of generalities) -- to find readings in the 300+ range. It was my understanding that hyperglycemia didn't really have any symptoms --but I seem to have some sort of sensor -- vision is blurry, thirst, and a vague sense of not feeling well.
One day when I was really hit with fever and pain -- 252 was as low as I could get --even with an almost zero carb diet and starlix. I hope Dr. Go-to-guy's Nurse can explain this schtuff to me.
This morning, my fasting reading was 195.
Shoot. I don't wanna give myself shots. Cure the freaking infection.
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