I am having my fourth major operation since late August on Monday and am, for some reason, a nervous nelly and not much use to anyone -- so in lieu of writing my insecurities over and over
-- please find below some reposting of entries from yesteryear to take up the slack.
And I'll see you on the other side! I am hoping to be home by Friday, but the surgeon makes no promises (and takes no prisoners...). All good thoughts are appreciated.
Also -- do you hear the buzzer? Yes, we have come to the end of the latest Wordle Challenges.
(Once again, Fresca reigns supreme.)
Wordle Challenge #4: Lincoln, Gore Vidal
Wordle Challenge #5: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Twain
Wordle Challenge #6: 1984, George Orwell
Wordle Challenge #7: The Clown, Heinrich Böll
Welcome to Marlinspike Hall, ancestral home of the Haddock Clan, the creation of Belgian cartoonist Hergé. Some Manor-keeping notes: Navigation is on the right, with an explanation of the blog's fictional basis. HINT: Please read the column labelled "ABOUT THIS BLOG." Enjoy the most recent posts or browse posts by posting date in the Archives. Search the blog for scintillating, obscure topics. Enjoy your stay! There are some fuzzy slippers over there somewhere, too.
Perhaps I have missed you and you are on your way to the hospital, but just to say I enjoy the Wordles and wish the best for La Belle in her surgery, and I look forward to her resumption of blogging duties.