Now that I have your attention...
One of the top ten subject searches that brings Virgin Readers to elle est belle la seine la seine elle est belle is "Laura Beckett."
Please note that she has nothing whatsoever to do with pornography!
In case you did not know, it's easy as pie to accumulate information about how, when, and from where people access an internet site, even such a humble one as this. The search information provides the occasional hint as to "why" you are here, too! So if you don't want me to know that it is you popping in, que c'est bien toi que est arrivé -- oh, just relax! I'm clueless and your anonymity is assured.
Really. I mean it!
I'll never tell.
Unless they beat it out of me. But even then, I'm not likely to remember.
Anyway, I got to thinking [it happens, now and then]:
The last I "heard" -- through my own searching -- Laura Beckett remains paralyzed after her struggle with MRSA that began while she was in Germany pursuing the Ketamine coma treatment for CRPS/RSD. I seem to recall that she is currently in a rehab -- a situation that I hope is temporary. I believe she continues to require assistance breathing -- but I am not completely, reliably sure.
Indeed, we all send out hopeful, curative thoughts into the universe on her behalf.
There is a danger in the "I-read-it-somewhere" proliferation of information. Yes, I know I am participating in that danger -- I may even have a proprietary involvement, at this rate. But the serious searches that lead people to this blog most often pertain to some form of ketamine research, whether it be in Mexico, Germany, or in booster form within the United States, or to CRPS clinical trials.
I am sometimes moved to tears by the search terms -- the descriptive terms for the pain, most often expressed as burning, or as fire, itself; the unanswerable questions, safely posed when alone with a computer, usually about mobility, the loss of a job, of friends, of family, of sanity.
So if you get here by accident, by some haphazard search for new information about CRPS/RSD, please know that you are not alone, and that, as weird as this blog likely seems to you, it is the evidence of my effort to defy this disorder in as major a way as I can. I encourage you to curb your incessant searching and to turn, instead, to creation. You can safely trust that RSDSA, among other organizations, is more up to speed than you or I could ever be, alone.
And didn't Your Mama ever tell you not to trust strangers?
EDIT: My memory is not too messed up. The source of my tidbits of information regarding Mrs. Beckett turns out to be the August 10, 2009 issue of People magazine:
In October 2008, RSD patient and mother of three Laura Beckett, 47, of Magnolia, N.J., developed pneumonia while in a coma in Germany and was kept under for three weeks as doctors fought to save her. She woke up paralyzed from the neck down and now lives at a rehabilitation center. "It's an understatement to say things went wrong," says husband Karl, though he adds his wife's pain was so unbearable they would likely choose the coma again. Says Schwartzman: 'We've had tragic outcomes. But this is only attempted after every other treatment has been tried."
And that reminds me of two other thing I wish to stress:
**My profound respect for Dr. Robert J. Schwartzman, neurology chairman at Philadelphia's Drexel University College of Medicine -- and my gratitude on a personal level for his dedication to helping those living with CRPS.
**My belief that experiences with MRSA (and variations) can be had at any hospital in the world, no matter how clean, no matter how excellent. I do not know the particulars of Laura Beckett's infection. I understand, and am sympathetic to, the desire to blame some person, place, or thing -- but there is nothing good in that, beyond correcting whatever may need correcting. MRSA is a monster of our own creation.
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